March is Caffeine Awareness Month

As someone who starts and sometimes ends the day with a cup of coffee, I was instantly interested in finding out more about caffeine awareness month. March is the month to learn more about how much caffeine we’re consuming from our favorite specialty coffees, tea, energy drinks, and chocolate bars. A lot of us rely on a fresh cup of coffee to start the morning and some even drink several throughout the day. While craving energy provided by a cup, it’s easy to think only of the health benefits associated with caffeine, but there are downsides to drinking too much of it as well.


We should know where to find the amount of caffeine in what we’re eating and drinking on a daily basis in order to see where it’s adding up throughout the day. If you’ve ever felt jittery or noticed having shaky hands after that third cup, you probably know that too much can really affect your body. According to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, a maximum of 400 mg of caffeine can be part of a healthy diet. Any more than 400 mg daily could cause negative side effects. For some, the effects are prominent and problematic with effects such as insomnia, anxiety, and an increased heart rate.


There are about sixty different plants that contain caffeine including the obvious one such coffee beans, tea leaves, and cocoa. Keeping the 400 mg daily limit in mind is great, but how much is it exactly? To put things into perspective a cup of coffee, an 8 oz energy drink, a 24 oz soda, and one shot of espresso all contain 80 mg of caffeine. A cup of green tea and a 12 oz soda both contain about half, 40 mg of caffeine. A 1.5 oz milk chocolate bar contains about 10 mg of caffeine while a dark chocolate bar contains about 30 mg. Tracking the amount that you consume can help you alleviate the effects of too much caffeine.


If you’re struggling with your caffeine intake know that there are other activities such as walking, running, and working out that will release chemicals in your body which can lift your mood and increase your energy as well. When caffeine consumption is maintained, it’s a beneficial addition to any diet. It’s known to boost memory, helps to detox the liver, helps with hair growth, and much more! Use this month to educate yourself, learn about caffeine and how it’s working in your life, and make adjustments to your diet if needed. As long as intake is kept at a healthy level and you’ve discussed any concerns with your doctor, it should be completely safe for you to keep sipping your favorite beverage. If you are looking for a non-caffeinated beverages Trove Coffee has plenty to offer, just ask your friendly barista!